Rectal Cancer: Signs, & Treatment

Rectal Cancer: Signs, & Treatment
November 14, 2023

Rectal Cancer: Signs, & Treatment

The rectum, the final six inches of the large intestine, is the site of origin for Rectal Cancer. Rectal cancer is comparable to colon cancer since both the colon and the rectum are digestive organs. The two types of colon cancer are commonly lumped together and referred to as “colorectal cancer.” However, several strategies for combating each illness are necessary. This form of cancer can be more tough to cure because of its closeness to other organs, bones, and tissue.

What are the Signs of Rectal Cancer?

Rectal cancer, like colon cancer, is often asymptomatic in its early stages. When symptoms first show up, the disease is already well along in its development. Cancer that has progressed may have spread and be more difficult to treat.

Symptoms like these may present themselves once the malignancy has progressed:

  • Discomfort caused by gas, bloating, or cramping
  • Bloody feces
  • Constant weariness
  • Rapid and unexpected weight reduction
  • Vomiting

Rectal Cancer is just one of many diseases that could cause these symptoms. But if the symptoms last longer than two weeks, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out malignancy.

Most Common Factors Include:

Aging: There is an increased risk of this cancer in people over the age of 45, both in men and women.

Medical History: You are more likely to get colon cancer if you have a history of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Type 2 diabetes, or another kind of cancer. You are also at a higher risk if polyps were discovered during a colonoscopy.

Heredity You are more likely to develop this cancer if it runs in your family. We have genetic counselors that can help you assess your risk and recommend strategies to lower it.

Food Habits: Personal behaviors have a major impact on the probability of disease. A diet high in fatty calories, like those found in red meat, has been linked to an elevated risk. Not getting enough fiber from foods like fruits and vegetables may also increase your risk.

Sedentary Lifestyle: If you aren’t active, you may have a higher chance of cancer development. Habits like smoking cigarettes and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol are risk factors.

Just because you share some of these risk factors doesn’t indicate you’ll definitely develop this malignancy. However, it is recommended that you discuss risk reduction strategies with your healthcare provider.

You can also read: What is Colon Cancer? Treatment and Symptoms

Diagnosis and Prevention of Rectal Cancer

Rectal cancer can be avoided or detected at an early, treatable stage with the use of a colonoscopy. Polyps, which are abnormal growths on the rectum wall, are the most common cause. Colonoscopies are screening procedures for the intestines that allow a clinician to detect and remove polyps. If something unexpected is noticed, our doctors move rapidly to find out if it is or isn’t cancer.

The onset of symptoms is not a good reason to delay medical attention. Getting regular colonoscopies is the best preventative since your doctor can remove polyps in the rectum before they evolve into cancer.

That’s why those at a moderate risk of colorectal cancer should start getting screened with colonoscopies at 45. Colonoscopy is the only cancer screening test that allows for the immediate removal of rectal polyps if they are discovered.

Treatments of Rectal Cancer

We can tailor a complete treatment plan for patients after consulting with specialists from a wide range of fields. The treatment strategy will take into account a number of aspects, such as:

  • Location and spread of rectal cancer.
  • Presence of bowel obstruction.
  • When an intestinal defect exists.
  • Whether it is a recurring or new tumor.
  • Patient’s physical wellbeing.


Surgery is the typical course of treatment for rectal cancer. The tumor is removed through the rectum or the abdominal hole during surgery. This may be conducted as open surgery or a minimally invasive method, such robotic surgery, which leads to fewer risks, less pain, and faster recovery than traditional surgery.

Depending on the tumor’s stage and location, several surgical procedures may be recommended.

  • If you have a polyp, a surgeon can remove it during a colonoscopy using a surgery called a polypectomy if it shows signs of being cancerous or if it is proved to be cancerous.
  • If your tumor is quite tiny, your surgeon may be able to remove it with a procedure called local excision.
  • Surgeons may perform resection which is a surgical technique in which the tumor and some of the tissues around it are removed.
  • Due to its diminutive size, the rectum necessitates the services of a skilled surgeon who is familiar with sphincter-preserving techniques for reattaching the colon to the rectum. The likelihood of requiring a permanent colostomy can be drastically reduced by going to a surgeon who specializes in sphincter-preserving treatments. Although some patients may require a temporary colostomy, the vast majority can go back to using the bathroom normally once they have healed. Thanks to medical progress, colostomies are no longer necessary for most people.


Chemotherapy is the practice of using medications to treat cancer. When used in conjunction with surgery, chemotherapy can reduce the size of the tumor and the likelihood of cancer recurrence, especially if the disease has spread to the lymph nodes.

As a systemic treatment, chemotherapy has an effect on the patient as a whole. Our oncologists will do all it takes to make sure you have the best possible quality of life during chemotherapy. Your oncologists and specialists will determine the optimal dosage for you, which can be administered in a number of ways either in the form of IV drip or as a pill.

Immunotherapy and specific drug treatment

Immunotherapy entails reprogramming one’s immune system such that it attacks cancer cells instead of healthy ones. This form of therapy may be used to treat certain people with a specific gene makeup, although this doesn’t work universally.

Certain proteins or genes may be targeted in treatment. This cutting-edge therapeutic method involves the use of already available or soon-to-be-available medications, either alone or in conjunction with chemotherapy, to halt the progression of the tumor.

Radiation treatment

If your rectal tumor is large or has progressed, doctors may recommend radiation therapy before surgery to assist improve your chances of a successful outcome. Historically, cancer recurrence rates were from 20% to 30%, but when complemented by radiation and/or chemotherapy, they dropped to below 10%.


For treatment of Rectal Cancer, patients in India can visit one of the colo-rectal surgeons like Dr Avadh Patel at Kaizen Hospital, Ahmedabad who provide excellent care, and hope for improved outcomes.

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