What is Colon Cancer? Treatment and Symptoms

What is colon cancer? Treatment and Symptoms
October 25, 2023

What is Colon Cancer? Treatment and Symptoms

Colon cancer is a type of cancer that affects the large intestine (colon), which is the last part of your digestive tract. The majority of occurrences of colon cancer start as tiny, noncancerous (benign) aggregates of cells known as adenomatous polyps. Some of these polyps can develop into colon cancer over time. Dr. Avadh Patel offers the most effective colon cancer treatment in Ahmedabad.

What are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer?

  • Constipation or a change in stool consistency that lasts more than 4 weeks
  • Tiredness or weakness
  • You have blood in your stool.
  • Gastric discomforts that persist, such as cramps, gas, or pain
  • A sensation that your bowel are not completely empty
  • Unknown cause of weight loss

Major Causes of Colon Cancer

In most cases, the cause of colon cancer is unknown. Surgeons understand that colon cancer develops when healthy cells in the colon make mistakes in their genetic makeup, the DNA.

Healthy cells develop and disseminate properly to keep your body functioning appropriately. When a cell’s DNA is broken and it becomes malignant, it continues to divide, even when new cells aren’t needed. A tumor develops as the cells multiply.

Cancer cells spread over a period of time, invade other parts of the body, and destroy normal tissue.

How is colon cancer diagnosed?

Colonoscopy: Examining the inside of your colon with a scope to observe the entire colon and rectum, a long, flexible, and slender tube is linked to a video camera and monitor.

Biopsy: If any worrisome regions are discovered, your doctor can use surgical tools to extract tissue samples (biopsies) for study and to remove polyps.

Blood tests: There is no blood test that can tell if a patient has colon cancer. However, your doctor may perform blood tests to determine your overall health, such as kidney and liver function testing. Additionally, your doctor might check your blood for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), a substance that colon tumors occasionally produce. The level of CEA in your blood, when measured over time, may help your doctor understand your prognosis and if your cancer is responding to treatment.

Treatment of Colon Cancer

  • Polyp removal during a colonoscopy
  • Mucosal excision via endoscopy
  • Minimally Intrusive Surgery that is as minimally intrusive as possible
  • Colectomy with partial resection
  • Lymph node removal surgery is used to establish a pathway for waste to exit your body.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation treatment


Colon cancer, just like any other form of cancer, can make a person anxious, but it can be cured in the initial stages if treatment is started right away by a competent expert. Dr. Avadh Patel at Kaizen Hospital provides the best colon cancer treatment in Ahmedabad for various gastrointestinal diseases. Visit us if you or your loved one has been diagnosed with colon cancer for the best treatment.

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